sgi soka gakkai prayer beads
kogodo sgi store will help you to find your own unique and wonderful prayer beads.
Here are some of our recommended beads by type.
➀Colorful beads
Here are some of our recommended beads by type.
➀Colorful beads
We have a rich lineup of colorful and beautiful types of beads.
・Choose your favorite color and make it your own.
・Reasonably priced beads
We recommend these beads for customers who want to purchase beads at a reasonable price.
➁Wooden prayer beads
The lineup is characterized by the gentle texture of the grain of the wood that fits comfortably in your hand.
Each bead has its own unique grain, so you will receive a bead that is unique to you.
・I like the texture of wood.
・I like the smell of wood.
We recommend these beads for such customers.
⓷Flower beads
A beautiful lineup of kogodo's original flower-shaped beads.
・I want to wear it like an accessory.
・Want to buy as a gift
We recommend these beads for customers who want to wear them as a gift.
④Beads for kids and babies
SS size beads made for children.
・I would like to give them as a gift for children.
・I want to give it as a present for a birthday commemoration.
kongodo sgi store will deliver from Japan with free shipping.
Enjoy shopping at kongodo sgi store!